Monday, April 25, 2011

delightful duo ~ fargo outdoor portraiture

I had SO much fun with this mother & daughter duo today.  The weather was FANTASTIC and we had a great time.  I have to admit, I am having a hard time thinning out the proofs and it was even harder to get just a couple previews, they are all really cute!  Very photogenic ladies I tell you.  Enjoy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photoshop Quick Tip ~ Prairie Yarns

If you've ever met me in person and talked with me for any amount of time, you'd discover that I have an obsession with fiber arts.  I'm talking knitting, crochet, spinning, and all other (wool) fiber goodness.  I'm also what many might call a "yarn snob" in that I only use good quality stuff. 

Well, in Fargo we are fortunate to have a couple nice yarn shops.  One that I tend to visit most often is Prairie Yarns.  When the owner asked me to take a few pictures of the new shop (they moved into a new site last fall) and of course I jumped at the opportunity to support another local business.  She wanted a panoramic image and I didn't have enough space to just get it all in one shot; this required me to take several shots then compile them into one. 

Here's the result-

To do this using Photoshop here are the steps:
1.) Shoot several overlapping images and get 'em on your computer (its best that they are all the same camera settings, so use manual settings on your SLR to ensure your color/shutter/aperture, etc. is consistent)
2.) In Photoshop, click on File -->  Automate --> Photomerge
3.) A dialog box will show up and that's where you'll pick which images are going to be combined
4.) Wait patiently as Photoshop processes the files.  If you only 3-4 it shouldn't take too long, but its does take some processing time.
5.)  Once its done, THEN do your image adjustments for contrast, brightness, etc. so that the same setting is used for the whole image

Voila, thats it!  Really, its that easy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

landen! ~ audubon newborn photography

So, these pictures were taken the day before his due date, when he was three months old!  Yeppers, this little man was born pretty early, but is entirely perfect :)  Didn't score too many sleepy pictures, but it was really fun to have him in for his "newborn" session.